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Weymouth 7th Grader, Sophie Ames, Leads Toy Drive

I wanted to take a moment here at the beginning of this holiday season to highlight the actions of one of my constituents, Sophie Ames. Over the weekend, Sophie, a seventh grader from Weymouth, led a toy drive at the Abigail Adams Middle School to benefit the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots program.
Sophie, with the help of her parents, led a toy drive for the third year in a row. She’s been determined to ensure that as many children as possible have something under their tree. This year, the Weymouth Public Schools stepped up to provide the space for the drive, and Molisse Realty Group helped transport the stuffed animals, balls, Legos, dolls, and other toys to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
Thanks to Sophie’s initiative, more kids will have something to open on Christmas morning and I sincerely appreciate her efforts.

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