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Norwell Resident Lilah Magee Wins Civil Air Patrol Amelia Earhart Award

Congratulations to Norwell resident Lilah Magee on being chosen as an Amelia Earhart Awardee by the Civil Air Patrol! It was an honor to join Lilah, her family, and the new commander of the Massachusetts Wing, Col. Tim Nelson, to congratulate Lilah on this well-deserved achievement.
The Earhart Award marks completion of Phase III of the CAP Cadet Program, recognizing sustained excellence in all four areas of cadet life: leadership, aerospace, fitness, and character. In addition, Earhart Award cadets must have passed comprehensive exams on leadership and aerospace topics. Once a cadet earns the award, they are promoted to the grade of cadet captain and are challenged to lead and serve junior-ranking cadets not just in the hometown squadron but around their wing (state) as well.
I’m wishing Lilah the best of luck in all her future endeavors!

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